By Sheila Ferguson This tribute is for one of Hough’s own, Mrs. Tahirah Mujahid, a coworker and colleague for over 20 years at both the Cleveland Urban Minority Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Outreach Programs (UMADAOP) and the Catholic Charities Corporation. Throughout her life, Tahirah served as a social worker and foot soldier in the war […]
Try That In A Black Town!
An Editorial by Melvin Twigg Mason A few months ago, I became aware of Jason Aldean’s video, “Try That In A Small Town,” only after going down the video rabbit hole of the latest in conservative thought found on YouTube. The fans of this musical contribution mentioned that there has been some insinuations of racism found throughout […]
Two-Four-Six-Eight! Who Do We Appreciate?
An Editorial by Pastor Larry Frazier We observe holidays in our country for numerous reasons: to remember significant historical events, to annually observe days of reverence, to recognize loved ones in our lives, to have some days just for fun, and to honor people and their service. Pastor’s Appreciation Month (October) falls in that last […]
Two-Four-Six-Eight! Who Do We Appreciate?
An Editorial by Pastor Larry Frazier We observe holidays in our country for numerous reasons: to remember significant historical events, to annually observe days of reverence, to recognize loved ones in our lives, to have some days just for fun, and to honor people and their service. Pastor’s Appreciation Month (October) falls in that last category. I […]
Here Come The Judges!
By Margaret Adams On Nov. 7th, Clevelanders will be voting on judges to fill six terms-of-office starting on Jan. 1, 2024. The judges will be elected to serve on the court for six years. In the past, there hasn’t been much attention paid to the candidates running for judge, however, since the Trump administration, the […]
Eating Can Be Better — Together
By Presious Mills One of the annual themes for the month of October is “Eating Better, Eating Together.” In our fast-paced lives the importance of eating better and eating together sometimes gets overlooked. Research shows that these two practices are connected to not only offering health benefits, but also helping relationships. As you celebrate this month’s theme, […]
Fall Fest is Back!
St John Nottingham will once again host it’s Fall Fest on Sunday October 15 from Noon until 3pm. It is open to the community and will feature Trunk or Treat, hayrides, crafts, games, prizes, photo opportunities, food and more. Children are welcome to come dressed in appropriate costumes. Fall Fest will take place rain or […]
Public Meetings Report for Community Partners (SEPT. 2023)
Doug Breehl-Pitorak (he/him) September 18, 2023, 3:45 pm Public comment back at City Council; higher parking rates on horizon Meeting coverage by Cleveland Documenters | Compiled by Signal Cleveland’s Doug Breehl-Pitorak and Anastazia Vanisko | Edited by Rachel Dissell and Mary Ellen Huesken Here’s what happened last week in local public government meetings covered by […]
Above-Ground Oil Tank in Hough Residential Area? (Update)
By Staff Writer Update: The City of Cleveland Zoning Commission unanimously vote to not approve the the 12,0000 gallon above ground fuel tank variance for the George Family Enterprise, LLC. Notable opposition to the appeal was MidTown Cleveland, The Cleveland Foundation and several resident near and around the facilities. Residents sent in emails and showed […]
Does Your Oral Health Affect Your Overall Health?
By Sharon Lewis Usually, when you think about your health, you think in terms of who you would call if you had a problem. For instance, if your mouth hurts, you would call a dentist. If the rest of your body hurts, you would call a medical doctor. Based on that thinking, they are separate, […]