Posted inDocumenters

Did City Council propose any cuts to the larger parts of the city’s budget, such as the police force?

By Doug Breehl-Pitorak Cleveland City Council is set to take a final vote on the city’s proposed 2022 budget on March 21. Documenter Anastazia Vanisko had a question about council members’ suggested budget cuts after they came up in a hearing she documented: “Do any of council’s recommendations for cuts focus on some of the […]

Posted inPolitics

Yuko Statement on Commission’s Failure to Adopt Constitutional, Proportional Maps

Ohio Senate Minority Leader Kenny Yuko (D-Richmond Heights) issued the following statement after majority members of the Ohio Redistricting Commission failed to adopt state legislative maps before the February 17 deadline that comply with all constitutional requirements and reflect the preferences of Ohio voters, as instructed by the Ohio Supreme Court. “I am extremely disappointed […]