by Larry Fraizier
If you have ever wondered where some of the sayings and expressions that have found their way into our language came from, then this article will investigate a few of them. It is no surprise that people of all ages have used colorful words to help convey the meaning of their thoughts. What is more enlightening is the fact that God is the originator of the sayings and they are recorded for us in the Bible.
“Put Your House in Order”
This expression is used by people to indicate the need to manage the property and affairs of their life because death is near. That is exactly what God said to King Hezekiah through the Prophet Isaiah in 2Kings chapter 20. Hezekiah started out as a faithful servant of the Lord, but later in life turned to activity that was not God-pleasing. Isaiah delivered God’s message to Hezekiah, “This is what the Lord says: Put your house in order, because you are going to die; you will not recover” (2Kings 20:1).
“The Root of the Matter”
“Nothing but Skin and Bones”
“By the Skin of Your Teeth”
These three expressions have their origin in the Book of Job. The Lord declared Job to be a righteous man. However, God sometimes allows trials and tribulations to enter our lives for the purpose of strengthening our faith and for the displaying of faithful, steadfast servants to a misinformed world. In his suffering Job is visited by religious friends whose understanding of the nature of God is questionable. Their attempts at comfort come forth more like accusations and indictments against Job, accusing him of not being as righteous as he thought. In chapter 19, verse 28, Job warns his friends about their comments saying, “The root of the matter lies in him.” In other words, they believe that Job’s troubles are his own fault. Job and his so-called comforters wrangle back and forth as they challenge his knowledge of God and how God works among his people. In his affliction Job has lost a lot of weight, but he continues to fight back trying to hold on to his faith in God. He said in chapter 19, verses 19-20, “All my intimate friends detest me; those I love have turned against me. I am nothing but skin and bones; I have escaped with only the skin of my teeth.” Job knows that he is holding on to life and faith by the thinnest of margins. Yet despite the intense attacks of his friends God keeps Job close through some needed correction and eventual full restoration.
These sayings from the Bible are enduring because they can be traced back to our Real and Loving God acting in the lives of real people.
Pastor Larry Frazier
Photo from Pexels.com Credit: Kindel Media
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