By Melvin Twigg Mason

Of all the woes that could be mentioned about the male of our species, one of the most prevalent is the lack of leaders and role models, both in the church and in the family.

Author R. Kent Hughes takes a closer look at the causes and  solutions to this phenomenon in the chapter The Discipline of Leadership in his book, “Disciplines Of A Godly Man.”

Hughes begins his analysis by citing that “male leadership in the church is on the decline, as women outnumber men” in attendance 55% to 45%.

The author also notes that generations of men in our society are increasingly more content with letting others handle the heavier responsibilities of life and service to others while they go along for the ride!

This run from responsibility is made worse by the current and various misunderstandings of what leadership really is.

Using Joshua, one of the first leaders of the Israelite people, as an example of leadership preparation, Hughes walks us through a list of preparatory steps that a man must take, each one building on the previous, if he wishes to be a good leader.

  • Intercessory Prayer – It starts here. courtesy of Pexels.comIntercession shows our reliance on the power of God to accomplish anything and everything! Joshua saw how Moses prayed to the Lord to give them victory against the Amalekites; without the power of God,  their best efforts failed. (Exodus 17)
  • Vision – Hughes writes, “The Christian leader’s vision of God makes all the difference in his life.” If you see Jehovah as small, then your leadership effectiveness will be small. But if you comprehend (as best our finite minds can) the God of the Bible, the God of all creation that surrounds us, then your understanding of what can be accomplished in leadership will be just as great.
  • Devotion – “True spiritual leadership is born for devotion and demands to be [locked away] with God,” says Hughes. He cites Exodus 33:11, where Joshua couldn’t compel himself to leave the tabernacle of meeting (with God) even after Moses had left for the day.
  • Humility – Hughes calls it magnanimity, being thrilled at the elevation of others. The author uses Numbers 11:24-29 to show the lesson Joshua learned from Moses about not thinking more highly of yourself than is true or necessary.
  • Faith – Hughes insists that this is a common characteristic of true leaders. He cites while the majority of the spies sent into Canaan came back feeling like grasshoppers among giants (Numbers 13:33), Joshua and Caleb said taking the land would be a piece of cake because of the promises of God. (14:8-9) Faithful leaders believe and trust their Commander.
  • Spirit-Filled – Hughes calls this an “indispensable qualification for all spiritual leadership. This means we must continually confess our sins, keep ourselves in God’s Word, and continually submit to God, asking the Spirit to fill us.”
  • Expendability – Recognizing that the Creator of the Universe does not need us, but rather He has chosen to use us men, just as He chose Joshua to come next after Moses (His friend) in leading His people into the Promised Land. Do not abuse nor foolishly waste your place in your family, your church, or your community.


Author R. Kent Hughes, born March 1, 1942, is the former Senior Pastor of College Church in Wheaton, Illinois. He is the author of numerous books, including the best-selling Disciplines of a Godly Man. He is also editor and contributor for the 50-volume Preaching the Word series, which received the ECPA Gold Medallion Book Award for best commentary in 1990.

He holds a BA from Whittier College, an M.Div. from Talbot School of Theology, a D.Min. from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School and a DD from Biola University. He lives in Pennsylvania with his wife, Barbara, is the father of 4, and grandfather of 21 children.

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