By Wally Espada

This winter has been cold. And here on Center, at our Cleveland Job Corps, we welcomed the opportunity to be the recipient of The SPOT Youth Empowerment Organization’s benevolence in choosing our Center to bring warmth sponsored by Project Warm. Having recently opened our Center to receive new students following such a long bout of COVID 19 preventing us from doing so, meaning that students arriving may have not prepared well, for the cold freezing breeze our Center experiences when the temperatures drop. So when, Ms. Teralawanda Aaron, from the SPOT Youth Empowerment Organization and supported by the Family Connection Center called to inform us about Project Warm, to donate Coats, Earmuffs, and gloves, we said Yes; of course. And without hesitation, Ms. Aaron mobilized and before you knew it, we had a load of coats, earmuffs, and gloves delivered. Working in collaboration, we made the commitment to distribute said items to our newly arrived students in need of warm gear, as well as existing students on board that benefited as well. Keeping in mind that we are expecting a steady stream of students arriving on Center, after distributing some coats, earmuffs, and gloves, we placed the leftover into our Dress for Success Closet here on Center in preparation for those arriving; that they may benefit as well. Our surrounding community is very generous when it comes to donating items of warmth and more, and here at our Cleveland Job Corps Center, we appreciate being recipients of such generosity. THANK YOU 🙂

The idea to create a News Desk was born during a City of Cleveland Ward 7 community meeting in the summer of 2018. A multimedia platform, which includes a print, digital and audio edition to communicate...

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