By Melvin Twigg Mason
For such a well-connected world, it amazes me how greatly DIS-connected we truly are!
“Why is it so important to have your cell phone in your hands at all times?” I asked this of my teen-aged nieces and nephews recently. They told me it’s to stay connected to what’s going on with their friends during the day. They post pictures, portray their emotions of the moment, share a joke or the latest gossip; all in the name of “connectedness.”
Yet if I asked them when was the last time they actually, physically talked with these friends or spent time with them outside of school, they’d probably say “last week” or “I don’t know”(IDK). I dare you to try to take their cell phone, iPad, or other “connecting” devices from them in order try some other form of keeping in touch, say. . .a house visit. You’d have better luck separating a mama bear from her cubs!
For all of their “connectedness,” our recent generations seem to be extremely distant from reality. Heads bowed (to the technology god), deep into some connect-the-jewels, or worse yet sending sexting (sex) messages or playing gaming programs with friends or strangers.
Rather than pursuing their dreams in real life, they’re living out the fantasy of looking better than their peers or blowing away their rivals. After all, it’s nothing personal, right? Pursuing a dream has a great sense of accomplishment. Similar to the exhilaration you feel at the end of winning a video game round. But much more rewarding.
Whatever happened to actually calling someone and talking to them on a phone. Better yet a sit-down talk with someone maybe an acquaintance, a friend, or a family member in person, face to face?