By Melvin Mason

Having touched on the relationships, the soul, and the character of a Godly man, R. Kent Hughes now discusses a fourth important area in a man’s life: Ministry.

In his book, “Disciplines Of A Godly Man,” chapter 14 begins with the Discipline of Church. The author bases this discipline on principles found in Hebrews 12:22-24.

Hughes points out that there is a not-so-recent but ongoing dilemma in Christendom these days: the increasing lack of CHURCH-GOING Christians. He compares this phenomenon to highway hitchhiking. As with thumbers, WE buy the car, WE pay for the gas, insurance, and repairs, and THEY just come along for the ride!

So also, with the churchless faithful. Their mindset is “YOU serve on the boards and committees, YOU deal with the problems and do the work of the church, and I’ll come along for the ride” (the good worship, meeting new friends, and that sense of belonging to something.) “But if things don’t suit me, I will criticize, moan, grumble, bad-mouth the church, and probably quit.”

The author says that there are seven encounters that are experienced in the church that make it not only well worth the “visit” but the commitment to stay and contribute.

We experience:

  • the City of God, the “counterpart, the spiritual Jerusalem from above. We can enjoy its privileges now, expressed most clearly in the church.”
  • a Host of Angels, sent out to look after us, moving in and out of our daily lives, but also celebrating our Creator with us (Hebrews 1:6)!
  • Fellow Believers, who are co-inheritors of all of Christ’s benefits & blessings, which we celebrate each time we gather together.
  • God Himself, whom we can draw close to with confidence and calm, knowing He loves us and wants to comfort us.
  • a Triumphant Place, where the testimonies of forgiven-sinners-being-made-perfect encourage, inspire, and resonate with us.
  • Jesus the Son, who receives us as we are, but promises to make us like Him (Phil. 1:6).
  • Forgiveness means peace with God, and ideally, with fellow believers also.

According to Hughes, regular church attendance provides “the soul-enhancing benefits” of worship, hearing the Word, discipleship, vision, and purpose. In church, we collectively pray with/for one another, worship together, serve one another, and give to a common cause. Our participation shows that we willingly identify with Jesus who is the Creator and completer of our spiritual and physical life.

So, are you going to forever be a “hitchhiker” in Christ or are you going to settle in for the long haul?

There are people who need what only you have. If you don’t commit to participating, you shortchange them…and yourself, because you miss out on the pleasure of blessing others. Don’t forget, they may also have something you need!

So go, act like a man. Be the better church member you want to see.

Next time, we’ll look at the all-important administration of the Discipline of Leadership in a man’s life.


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